"HEORIBARAM" -Yeungkwan Kim's fiction- ISBN 89-7954-002-7 ... Top websites korea koreans human novels ±è¿µ°ü Çѱ¹ ÀÛ°¡ Çѱ¹¹®ÇÐ Çѱ¹ ´ÜÆí¼Ò¼³
 .....SURVIVED P.O.W ..........
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HITS SINCE 1997/7>

----------KOREAN NOVELS--- Survived P.O.W---±è¿µ°ü- ---


-By YeungKwan, Kim--The world short story " SURVIVED P.O.W "---

SURVIVED P. O. W(1996/11)

by Yeungkwan Kim

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  Now, 10 is still alive.
  Me, captain Kim, and a GI Choi.
  In 1954 winter, the  korean war has already been over, but of  10, we 3 
are still alive in  north korean prison.
  7 soldiers were dead here,  the GI Kang and Park and Lee........
  Can we return home south korea?
  No, can we survive?

  Mice is watching  the can of rice  again. one, two, three, no,  I can not 
calculate them all.
  Everything is frozen inside like  outside. Though there is no one rice in 
the can, because we  licked up the one rice all, it is  the same that there 
is no food.
  If the rice is given less, we should catch those mice, and eat them.
  Captain kim and GI  Choi look like skulls. I can not  see my face, but I 
finger it just like skull.
  There is no sunshine in No.12 prison.
  The  wet and  rotten  smell crawls  in  this prison  and  come into  our 
  On the prison roof, The cold north wind sounds wing, wing, wing....
  3  years  ago, in  1951  spring,  Our  military company  was  redrawing 
because the china fires came near to us.
   In 00  region, Northwest  of Kyeungkido, Our  company was  in almost 
dead condition.  Only 30  were left  alive. The wounded  without one  leg, 
The GI face  in pieces... the soldier who could  fight was only some, me, 
captain kim, Choi,....
  We were afraid  of the china military  fire very much. To die  and to be 
p.o.w. Which of all, It was frightening us.
  Our backward was  dropped by enemy too. We had  no food, no bullet, 
no water, no medicine. Our life was belonged  to each and captain Kim.
  In  the  snowwing coldness  of  March.  hands  and legs  were  already 
frost-bitten, because we did not change our socks during past 10 days.
  Ther is no redwawing way, captain Kim thought so.
  Can we survive tonight?
  Ans so tomorrow?
  Ther was no molphin for the wounded without no leg, no hand.
  Give up?
  Give up or redraw?
  The enemy is licking up us. 
  The terror!
  The soldiers were terron-ridden in coldness and hunger.
  It dawns.
  We could not even fire up through the night at all.
  Just a glass of water.
  Captain Kim thought, 'Today we will redwaw, or be captured by enemy.'
  At last  night, we  moved just smome  kilomiters. And  we left out  one 
dead soldier without sound in the black forest.
  The next will be  GI Kang with one leg, bleeding   now. He already lost 
his consciousness.

  Day dawned.
  At the  moment, when we  thougt that it  was not good  to climb down 
the mountain, the enemy fired at us. 
  they were waiting us and hunting us.
  There was no way to escape. We  were just pushing our heads into the 
ground, just hearing the crying out sounds of our company. 
  Yield point.
  captain Kim stood up, pitching the gun.
  Me, Choi, and other GIs stood up too.
  Fire and blood smelt. Kang, with no consciousness, was bleeding, from 
his chest. The others were all dead.
  The enemy was  coming near us in  the fire gas below  the gray March 
  We 10 yielded ourselves as prisoners at alst...
  North Korea No. 12 prison...
  The wounded our Gis were left in the field, like bleeing dying dogs.
  Terror and torture.
  I was  thinking the escape  at that  time. It was  the same, to  die here 
and to escape, so dead.
  We 10 were  beraing the coldness, hunger,  torture during past 3  years 
,so, we left 3 only.
  some  died  because  of  hunger,  some  died,  with  sickness,  torture, 
  And I heard that the korean war ended...
  "There are over 3000 p.o.w, left."
  we heard it from a north korean GI. We felt that we left,   and forgotten 
from south korea. Over 3000 GIs were, being forgotten......
  That was the only hope of us.
  We did  not know  where we  were in  north Korea, but  heard that  we 
were moved another p.o.w  prison. So, We felt all that  we should escape 
  But GI Choi was very bad condition. He was spewing the bleed. But He 
wanted to meet his father and mother and to escape with us, being alive.  
So captain Kim and me promised, not left him alone.
  I t  was not difficult to  dig out the ground  of the No.12 prison.  But It 
was the problem to go out  the outside of this prison because there were 
too many North Korean GIs, armed. 
   But Choi who had gone  to this prison medical place knew the escape 
way   a little. At  night of cold  winter wind, at  last we dug out  all, and 
hide the  ground with our  bodies. The escaping  point was the  time that 
the North Korean GIs changed their mission  to guard. There was a North 
Korean  guarder, doing  masturbation to  bear  the coldness.  Tonight  we 
prayed for him  to do it ,  at that time we would  escape. Our arms were 
just a piece of glass and nails.

  We  would   succed  in  escaping  if   we  could  go  out     that  wire 
  Captain Kim, at  first, crawled under the wire  entanglements. It takes 3 
minutes for the next sentry  to come here again. 
  He rounded his clothes and pushed the etanglement slow.  
  He was very slow, and fast, so felt to me.   
  Can  he    succeed?  I  could   not  close  my  eyes,  just 
watching was  what I could  do, and  should do, because  I 
was so afraid of the dark, the enemy, and the silence...
  But captain kim did good, and he was sliding out of that 
entanglements. The next was me...
  I was afraid, very much. But there was no way, except running... To be
died was....., I started to crawl under the wire entanglements.---
  I heard the sound of the enemy's foot step.I tried tried to escape
from the wire, but My body was not moving fastly....

 At last, Choi could not escape from the enemy, north Koreans. Captain Kim
and Me run, run, run, and walked as fast as we could, moving to South Korea....
 Kim and I are not the men, but we are the ainmals who are going to be captured
by enemy. Why do we have to fight each other like this..?
 I do not know why.  I was just a GI of South Korea, with no power.
 We walked and walked, eating nothings....

  There was the 38 line with the wire entanglements in front of us..
  That was the line between South Korean and north Korea...
  If we could go over it, we could reach at South Korea, home!!

  But, when we climbed up the wire like spider, the search light shined out
us....and we just heared the sound of the north korean soldiers' footsteps.

  We returned to the prisoners in North Korea.
  It was the year 1953....
  From 1953 to 1999, I was there... Captain Kim was dead in 1963...
 ---to be continued---  

NEW!! 2000/2
The dog and me- selected in Slovakia, 2000/5-

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