South Korean novelist YoungKan Kim's homepage :
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A man in Korea

                         by Korean novelist YoungKan Kim.

  Korean men is so brave, so, so childish.
  They fought at the street everyday, because of traffic accident.
  Their voices are number 1 in the world.

  I am a writer in seoul.
  Poor but good novelist

  Do not drink at day-time.
  You fail to good thinking, but just to be bad...

One Writer

   Believe that this is not real story....

  Here again, the monday came....
  I am same the day before yesterday...
  Nothing changed in short but long time.
  But after 10 years, In Korean old saying,
the mountain and river also changed...

  I must endure myself.
  I am not so poor or weak.
  I must work hard for me and you..

  I am typing for 4 hours.
  So tired out.. you believe or not....
  and believe this is the real story...

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